Hi , Zaryab`s here

K a r a c h i - P a k i s t a n

My name is Zaryab Naqvi and i'm a passionate Computer Science third year student at NED University of Engineering and Technology .

Coder GIF zaryabnaqvi

Zaryab Naqvi

My name is Zaryab Naqvi and i'm a passionate Computer Science second year student at NED University of Engineering and Technology and a Web Developer using web technologies to build amazing products and focusing on solving problems for different niches and different industries using the power of technology.
I’m currently working on Databases and Big Data. I’m currently learning React.js . 💬 Ask me about OOP paradigms , Data Structures and Algorithm I will love to hear from you. Whether it's a project, job opportunity, or just a chat. Feel free to Contact me



Buns Master Richmond Website

Link : www.bunsmasterrichmond.ca

Technology Stack : React.js, Stripe,Redux, CSS, Axois


aza-e-hussain trust website

Link : www.aza-e-hussain.com

Technology Stack : React.js, Tailwind.css, CSS, Axois


aza-e-hussain Backend

Link : aza-e-hussain-admin.netlify.app

Technology Stack : Node.js, JWT, Express.js, cors, MongoDB, Cyclic, Reactjs


Portoflio Website

Link : zaryabnaqvi.github.io

Technology Stack : HTML, JavaScript, Tailwind.css, CSS.


Weather web Application

Link : daily-weathers-zaryab.netlify.app/

Technology Stack : React.js , CSS , OpenWeather-API , React-Bootstrap


E-NoteBook App

Link : E-notebook

Technology Stack : React.js , CSS , Express , MongoDB , React-Bootstrap , JWT


Daily News Application

Link : daily-news-zaryab.netlify.app/

Technology Stack : React.js , CSS , NewsAPI , React-Bootstrap


Showcase of Certificates i have Achieved .


  1. Working with Syed was a great experience. His drive for clean aesthetics and his open communication style helped us collaborate closely on the solution.
    Rich Harris

    Harris Kareem

    Developer @Outlets

  2. Syed is a fantastic UI/UX designer and developer with a keen sense for marketing, and lead generation. He's the only designer I know who also has a deep understanding for code and front-end development.
    Andrew Mead

    Andrew Mead

    Chief Scientist @Logos

  3. Talented artist, experienced with various media and can make any project you are working on look good. He is easy to work with and is a self starter. I would work with Syed again.
    Brian Hirsh

    Brian Hirsh

    Head @Zero-in

  4. Syed is a true professional with amazing talent. He is a creative thinker, has his finger on the pulse of whats to come, and absolutely one of the quickest and best problem solvers I have ever met.
    Adam Argalye

    Adam Argalye

    SWE @Google

  5. Syed is one of my favourite people to work with. He's my go-to colleague when trouble shooting any new technique or technology because she understands how to tackle unknown problems with gumption.
    Val Head

    Val Head

    CEO @Engines

  6. Syed is a talented artist. He is very experienced with various media and can make any project you are working on look good. He is easy to work with and is a self starter. I would work with Syed again.
    Gary Simon

    Gary Simon

    A11y Advocate @W3C

My projects

If you want to look at my Project visit my Github

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